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ISP Vision:

Inspire current and future
generations for advancement
in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics through experiential learning in the fields of space exploration, discovery, aviation, technical and mechanical engineering.


Newly established, Inspiration Space Port nonprofit is set to inspire current and future generations through experiences, education, and hands-on learning to cultivate future development in a fun environment. The mock shuttle orbiter “Inspiration” is being brought to Minnesota to expand our understanding of NASA, and its education efforts beyond

Kennedy Space Center.


Inspiration Space Port Provide:

A primary exhibit of NASA’s space shuttle orbiter mockup, created to demonstrate proof of the design capabilities of the space program.

  • Interactive and thrilling experiences of what space travel is like.

  • Rotating inspirational speakers and exhibits for new and different experiences for the occasional visitor.

  • Continued improvement of exhibits and additional complimenting exhibits.

  • Exposure to career pathways that build on existing skills and experience.

  • Provoke imagination on new possibilities of exploration and adventure.

  • Services are available to youth and adults of varying abilities and backgrounds.

The founders’ intention is that ISP will launch individuals to new levels of inspiration and assist them in achieving impossible dreams never believed possible.

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